Pondering Pootan with Ajishio Taro & Hachimitsu Boy
Cromartie High School Podcast with Connor & Niamh
1 month ago

Chapter 118: Meat Meat Meat

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your hotpot and Korean BBQ experience:

Pre-Meal Preparation:

  • Eat Light: Stick to lighter meals earlier in the day, like 10 to 20 bananas.

During the Meal:

  • Pace Yourself: Don’t rush—think of it like the ongoing power struggle between Hokuto and Sada. Each has to make strategic decisions, just as you should eat slowly and deliberately to make the most of the meal.
  • Prioritize Protein: Start with proteins, akin to a banana being the go-to snack for a gorilla—nutrient-dense and satisfying.
  • Variety Is Key: Enjoy a mix of hotpot and BBQ items. This is akin to how Pootan might diversify his dishes while grinding sesame paste, adding different flavors and ingredients to keep things exciting.

Watch Your Drink Choices:

  • Avoid sugary or carbonated drinks like boba tea, as they can make you feel full faster. Opt for water or light herbal tea.

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Niamh: @FoxmomNia (twitter) and @foxmomnia (cohost)
Connor: @rabbleais (twitter) and @rabbleais (cohost)

OP: “Ningen nante” by Yoshida Takuro
ED: “Another Piece of Meat” by Scorpions