Pondering Pootan with Ajishio Taro & Hachimitsu Boy
Cromartie High School Podcast with Connor & Niamh
1 year ago

Chapters Sixty & Sixty-One: OK Computer & Web Surfin'



FujiKi1 2 years
With so many people listening to the podcast lately, things sure have gotten lively around here, haven't they? I for one am glad to see all the new activity. Not to change the subject, but Niamh mentioned possibly changing ISPs. Does anyone have suggestions for good ISPs to go with? I've been meaning to switch myself soon. I know this doesn't have anything to do with the podcast, but it's okay to get off-topic sometimes, right? Anyway, sorry. ^_^;;

Unregistered User
isnt it against the rules to post off-topic comments? still, if ur a TROLL w nothin better to do than cause trouble, i guess a warning won't make much of a difference

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Connor: @rabbleais (twitter) and @rabbleais (cohost)

OP: “Ningen nante” by Yoshida Takuro
ED: “No Surprises” by Radiohead