Pondering Pootan with Ajishio Taro & Hachimitsu Boy
Cromartie High School Podcast with Connor & Niamh
7 months ago

Chapter Eighty-Four: Stray Cat

Have you ever wanted to be someone else? Or, more specifically, have you ever wanted to crawl through a portal hidden in an anonymous high school building and thereby enter the cerebral cortex of Maeda Akira for fifteen minutes, before being spat out on the side of the Tokyo Metro? Melancholy mecha, school drudgery, a floppy-haired Hayashida Shinjiro—but that’s not all! Surrealism, possession, Kamiyama Takashi, a domesticated primate, Freddie, Hokuto Takeshi, non-sequiturs, and absolutely no romance! But wait: get your Cromartie High School now and we’ll throw in emasculation, slapstick, Ajishio Taro and Hachimitsu Boy, and extra Maeda, Maeda, Maeda!

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The Show: @PonderPootan (twitter) or @pootan (cohost)
Niamh: @FoxmomNia (twitter) and @foxmomnia (cohost)
Connor: @rabbleais (twitter) and @rabbleais (cohost)

OP: “Ningen nante” by Yoshida Takuro
ED: “Stray Cat Strut” by the Stray Cats